Many people come to a point in their lives where they realise that they are either stuck in limiting beliefs or patterns, where they are not as happy or loving as they once were, or that their sense of hope and optimism seems to have become replaced by awareness of only problems and limitations.
The impact of this is that motivating themselves to stick to goals to achieve, to get healthy, to lose weight – becomes hard to maintain or even to conceive as possible.
As this continues, often people find themselves feeling lonely, less effective, enjoying their work and relationships less, seeing no options, getting irritable, comfort eating, comfort spending and their energy and joy ebbing away. Very many people simply become aware that they feel lost, very low in mood and hopeless.
Does any of this resonate with you?
If it does, you may be amazed, that your life and sense of your own potential, your capabilities and possibilities can actually transform quickly.
The good thing is, change does not need multitudes of sessions talking about why and how you got to this stage in your life and your emotions. In fact, with Therapeutic Coaching, you find yourself understanding yourself better, feeling energised and motivated, often within your very first session.
So how does Therapeutic Coaching with Make that Difference work?
Therapeutic Coaching helps you to improve your life and your health through setting goals, identifying the patterns of behaviours, thinking, beliefs and communication that have been keeping you stuck, and then helping you to build new resourceful behaviours and patterns that will enable you to become resilient and to achieve in your life, be happier, healthier, and manage your finances better.
The essence of the therapeutic support that you will receive from Clara Gibson, is NLP (Neurolinguistic Progamming) and IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and a holistic understanding of the ways to eat, exercise and keep yourself hydrated that are essential for you to have much improved thoughts, actions, health and energy.
If you are someone who finds yourself from time to time or more frequently, feeling overwhelmed by powerful negative emotions and memories, or trapped by them, then IEMT offers a quick, lasting and painless means to disentangling those negative emotions and memories that have been holding you back.
IEMT does not require months of sessions talking about the minutiae of events long past, rather you will be pleasantly surprised how in even a single session, you find it almost impossible to access those exact memories and associated feelings that have been holding you back and impacted, perhaps every aspect of your life and wellbeing.
IEMT is very effective in dealing with depression, anxiety, panic, fear, PTSD and how you identify yourself because of your limiting and disabling negative emotions and memories.
However, removing the negativity and disempowering those previously all-consuming negative memories, is not enough to set you on your path to a happy, confident and healthy life. I will help you to establish new patterns of awareness, behaviours and thinking through NLP and a holisitic approach to living and self care, replacing those old negative patterns that kept you stuck and perhaps disappearing down deep dark holes.
Furthermore, I help you to have a holistic understanding of how your body and mind function and what you need to put into yourself in terms of food, nutrition, hydration, oxygen and exercise.
We are merely chemicals having trillions of chemical reactions every second of our lives. How we breathe, hydrate and feed ourselves has a profound impact on our health and functioning, and yet the way that we think, positively or negatively, has in turn a profound impact on our biochemistry and our ability to absorb and metabolise even the very best diet in the world.
Experience a most holistic approach to taking charge of your life and wellbeing.
“Coaching with Clara has given me the confidence to deal with different situations and affirmed that I am right about certain things”